Mentoring is about helping others develop in a positive way and more effectively. It is a relationship designed to build confidence and support the mentee so that they are able to take control of their own development and progress. It is trust-based and confidential and should help people to feel valued, represented, productive, self-fulfilled and rewarded;
- To grow personally and professionally
- To restructure or reprioritise their lives
- To overcome obstacles and barriers
- To grow their career
Mentoring is not the same as training, teaching or coaching and a mentor does not need to be a qualified trainer or an expert in the role the mentee carries out.
What does a Mentor do?
A mentor is expected to:
- Listen and give their time
- Support, encourage, push and engage
- Provide a framework to look at options, understand implications and plan future actions
- Share experience and impart knowledge
They are not expected to:
- Collaborate on work or funding
- Get involved in matters relating to status, promotion or payments
All mentors will be paid for the service they provide. Payments will go through MfW, making the responsibility for managing the transaction easy. If a Mentor decides to work on a voluntary basis, that money will go into the Foundation for women-centric projects and bursaries for mentoring needs.
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