How ignorance around the menopause is driving women out of work.
Some of the most common symptoms of the menopause are mental health-related but many women – and their doctors – are ill-informed about what to expect.
The menopause has been shrouded in secrecy for many years. It is finally being talked about, thanks to women in the public eye, like Davina McCall in her recent TV program Sex, Myths and the Menopause.
Personally, I found the menopause very challenging, and looking back on those days, I remember them as a black hole in my life. I shudder when I consider how it affected me, not just the hot flushes and the night sweats, the feeling of despair and hopelessness and the fact that it seemed to be endless. I remember coming off HRT and feeling like it had started all over again.
See the full article recently published in Apple News here.